{"id":860,"date":"2018-04-11T08:16:17","date_gmt":"2018-04-11T08:16:17","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/besthealth.guide\/?p=860"},"modified":"2021-10-07T06:01:40","modified_gmt":"2021-10-07T06:01:40","slug":"10-silent-osteoporosis-symptoms-indicating-you-are-at-risk","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/besthealth.guide\/10-silent-osteoporosis-symptoms-indicating-you-are-at-risk\/","title":{"rendered":"10 Silent Osteoporosis Symptoms Indicating You Are at Risk"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Osteoporosis is often referred to as the silent disease and this is for a reason. It is a disease of the bones and it is not possible to feel. Osteoporosis will cause the loss of bone mass and what is lost is not replaced.<\/p>\n

It is estimated that in the United States, one out of every two women and one out of every four men who are over the age of fifty will break a bone because of osteoporosis. One of the most difficult things about osteoporosis is that most people do not even realize that they have the disease until they break one of their bones. It is at this time that it is often discovered.<\/p>\n

However, there are some symptoms of osteoporosis that indicate that you are at risk. Here are 10 of the silent osteoporosis symptoms that may indicate that you are at risk to develop the disease.<\/p>\n

1. You Are Suddenly Shorter<\/strong><\/h3>\n

When a person develops osteoporosis<\/a> it can cause the spine to collapse on itself. This may cause a person to lose an inch or more in height. If you notice that your jeans that used to fit your perfectly are not too long or your skirts are now going way below the knee, it could be a sign that you have shrunk and this could mean that you have developed osteoporosis. You should base the amount of height that you have lost by comparing it to how tall you were in your twenties.<\/p>\n

In women, a loss of an inch and a half inches in height is caused to be concerned. Men losing more than two inches in height since their twenties should see their doctor. Losing height as you age is normal, but if you notice that you are suddenly shorter than you were, you definitely need to let your doctor know.<\/p>\n

\"\"2. Tooth Loss<\/strong><\/h3>\n

Osteoporosis can affect all of the bones<\/a> in the body. This includes the jaw bone. As the jawbone becomes weak it may cause the teeth to fall out. Losing teeth could be one of the symptoms of osteoporosis, but it is not a definitive signal. If you are loose teeth and do not know why you need to discuss the issue with both your doctor and your dentist to discover the underlying cause.<\/p>\n

Your doctor will likely conduct a bone density scan in order to determine whether osteoporosis is the cause of your teeth falling out. It is important to make sure that you are taking good care of your teeth and visiting your dentist at a minimum of twice each year for a cleaning and a checkup. The health of your teeth can be indicative of your overall health and when your mouth is not healthy it can cause many other health issues.<\/p>\n

\"\"3. Widows Hump<\/strong><\/h3>\n

When the bones of the spine can no longer support the weight of the body it can cause them to begin to curve over. This symptom of osteoporosis is often referred to as a widows hump. While some people may simply have bad posture, which may also be caused by osteoporosis, a widow\u2019s hump is even more pronounced. When a hump appears on the back, causing a person to have difficulty standing up straight it is one of the most telltale signs that the bones of the spine have become weak.<\/p>\n

One of the ways to help prevent osteoporosis is to maintain good posture<\/a>. From a young age, you should learn to stand and sit up straight. Doing these things can strengthen the bones in the spine, which in turn can help to prevent osteoporosis from occurring. If you notice that you are struggling to stand up straight or you develop a hump, chances are that you have developed osteoporosis and you need to discuss it with your doctor.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. Genetics<\/strong><\/h3>\n

If one of your immediate family members has osteoporosis, the chances that you may develop this condition goes up. This includes your mother, father, grandparents, and even your siblings. It seems that genetics plays a role in the chances of a person developing osteoporosis. In addition, there are several other factors that may play a role as well. A person\u2019s race and gender can also increase their chances of developing osteoporosis.<\/p>\n

Women are more likely than men to get this condition, especially women who are postmenopausal<\/a>. If you have a family history of osteoporosis it is a good idea to have a bone density scan conducted as soon as possible. This will help to detect any early symptoms of the disease and dietary changes may be recommended in order to help prevent the condition for as long as possible. Early detection is key to helping deal with this condition more effectively.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. Tested Positive for Low Bone Density<\/strong><\/h3>\n

One of the sure signs that you are at risk for osteoporosis is if you have been told by your doctor that you have a low bone density. Low bone density is called osteopenia. This simply means that the amount of minerals and calcium<\/a> that are packed into the bones is a lower amount than average.<\/p>\n

Just because you have low bone density does not mean osteoporosis will occur in the future. There are things that you can do to help strengthen the bones, which can help to prevent osteoporosis. In addition, there is a reason that osteoporosis is truly considered a silent condition. Most of the time there are no symptoms at all. The bones are just more likely to become fractured or break. However, if you do have low bone density it is important to have bone density checks on a regular basis in order to catch the condition before you end up with a fracture.<\/p>\n

\"\"6. You Have Had a Fracture for a Minor Issue<\/strong><\/h3>\n

If you were to fall off a building, chances are that you are going to break at least one of your bones and likely several. If you trip on a sidewalk, the chances of fracturing a bone are minimal. That is unless you suffer from osteoporosis. A person who suffers from osteoporosis may fracture bones from falling from a short height or even just standing height. Fracturing bones from a small trip can be a sign that the bones in the body are weak.<\/p>\n

A back, hip, or wrist fracture from just a mild trauma may send you to the doctor’s office. If you have had a recent fall that has resulted in a fracture of one of your bones, you may want to ask for a bone density check to be done. Fractures<\/a> from a minor incident are a sign that your bones are weak. It could mean that you currently have osteopenia, which often turns into osteoporosis if it is not properly treated.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. Vitamin D Deficiency<\/strong><\/h3>\n

One of the most common symptoms of people who have osteoporosis or people with general weak bones is a vitamin D deficiency. This is technically considered a symptom, but it is also one of the causes of osteoporosis. When someone does not have enough vitamin D<\/a>, their bodies will not be able to absorb calcium correctly. Calcium is used to grow stronger bones and if it is not utilized properly in the body the bones are likely to become weaker.<\/p>\n

The problem persists when a person has osteoporosis as they are less likely to go outside and continue to have a low intake of vitamin D. When you become less active, it is more difficult to get the Vitamin D that you need. This creates a problem within the body and causes a person to become more likely to get a fracture or break the bones.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. General Joint Pain<\/strong><\/h3>\n

One of the biggest issues that come with osteoporosis is pain within the joint<\/a>. Many people who suffer from this condition will have a constant throbbing, dull, ache in the joints, muscles, and bones. This starts to happen as the bones begin to lose their mass and become weaker.<\/p>\n

This pain will appear and get worse very quickly. If you start to feel pain in your joints and your muscles and you do not know why you may be experiencing this pain, for example, you didn\u2019t complete an extra hard work out or if you didn\u2019t walk or do some type of strenuous activity to cause the pain, it could be because of osteoporosis.<\/p>\n

If you ignore this pain it may go away but will return on a regular basis. If this continues to happen over and over, it is time to go in for a check-up to see what is causing the general joint pain you are experiencing.<\/p>\n

\"\"9. Weak Fingernails<\/strong><\/h3>\n

Many people do not realize that their fingernails are really quite strong. While it may seem like they are easy to break, this is not a typical occurrence unless you have fingernails that are very long. When your nails become fragile and snap for what appears to be no reason at all, you need to think about your health and your diet. In certain cases, weak fingernails may be a sign that you are simply not getting enough vitamins<\/a>.<\/p>\n

However, if you are maintaining a fairly healthy diet and still notice that your fingernails have become weak, it could be because of osteoporosis. This is one symptom that many people tend to ignore, after all, a broken fingernail does not typically seem like a big deal. However, if your fingernails have become weak, it is a good idea to discuss it with your doctor to find out what exactly is causing the problem.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. Lowered Activity Levels<\/strong><\/h3>\n

One of the other symptoms of osteoporosis is a lowered amount of activity. You may find that you feel fatigued<\/a> quite often or you simply are not as physically active as you were in the past. Some of this may be caused by a lack of vitamin D as a vitamin D deficiency can cause a person to have lower energy levels. In addition, when your bones are not healthy, it can affect both your mental and your physical health.<\/p>\n

Another of the reasons that osteoporosis will cause you to become less active is because exercising and going about your daily activities will often become painful. This will mean that you simply do not want to do your normal routines anymore. When this occurs, you may also become depressed, which is just another symptom of this condition. If you find that you do not have much energy and are becoming less active, it is important to talk to your doctor to find out what is going on.<\/p>\n\r\n
