{"id":2720,"date":"2018-09-25T22:23:11","date_gmt":"2018-09-25T22:23:11","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/besthealth.guide\/?p=2720"},"modified":"2021-10-13T01:39:52","modified_gmt":"2021-10-13T01:39:52","slug":"15-everyday-foods-that-cause-inflammation","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/besthealth.guide\/15-everyday-foods-that-cause-inflammation\/","title":{"rendered":"15 Everyday Foods That Cause Inflammation"},"content":{"rendered":"


Inflammation is the way that the body naturally protects itself when it becomes sick or injured. Inflammation can help your body defend against invaders such as bacteria and it can also stimulate healing. While inflammation can be a good thing, it can also be bad depending on the situation in which it occurs. Chronic and sustained inflammation within the body can be quite harmful. Inflammation is linked to a number of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and others. While inflammation can be healing, it also can be bad for the body.<\/p>\n

It can be quite uncomfortable and if left unchecked it can be quite severe. Most of the time when inflammation is bad it is being caused by some of the foods that you are eating daily. Here are fifteen foods that you may be eating that could be the cause of inflammation and the pain associated with it.<\/p>\n

1. Fried Foods<\/h3>\n

When it comes to eating fried foods, you really just should not. If you suffer from the symptoms of inflammation and your diet consists of foods that are fried, chances are that this is the main cause of your issue. When foods are fried in vegetable oil you are causing damage to your body. The main contributor to inflammation<\/a> found in fried foods is advanced glycation end product or AGE.<\/p>\n

The more AGEs that your body has in it, the more likely for inflammation to occur. There have been several studies that have been conducted that show that reducing how much-fried food a person eats can bring down the levels of AGE within the body. When the AGE levels are lowered, a person is less likely to develop inflammation. In addition to causing inflammation, fried foods can cause obesity, heart disease, as well as a host of other issues. <\/p>\n


2. Omega 6 Oils<\/h3>\n

If you are using vegetable oil to cook in or any type of oil really, if it contains too much omega six it may be the cause of any inflammation symptoms that you are experiencing. While omega 3 fatty acids are very good for you and even recommended to be added to a regular healthy diet, omega 6 fatty acids are not as good for you and they are a contributor to inflammation.<\/p>\n

The way that omega 6<\/a> fatty acids are the way they are converted into prostaglandins. Additionally, these fatty acids also create proteins that promote inflammation within the body. Avoiding foods that contain high amounts of omega-six fatty acids is important to reduce inflammation in the body through your diet. Simply changing to using oils that do not contain omega-six fatty acids is a simple way to reduce inflammation that may be occuring within the body. <\/p>\n


3. Meat<\/h3>\n

Eating meat, in general, is not particularly unhealthy. However, when it comes to eating meat, not all meat<\/a> is created equal. When it comes to changing your diet to reduce inflammation, there are certain types of meat that may be causing you problems. Eating meat from animals who have been fed grains can be a cause of inflammation. In the past, livestock was mostly fed grass. However, the livestock of today is mostly being fed grains.<\/p>\n

Since livestock should be eating grass and not grains, the animals become sick more often. This means that in order to keep the livestock healthy and growing until it is time to butcher them, the animals are given antibiotics. The antibiotics then enter into your diet as well. In addition to the grains and antibiotics that these animals are being given, meat also has a high amount of saturated fat. Saturated fat is associated with inflammation. <\/p>\n


4. Highly Refined Flour<\/h3>\n

Flour that has been highly refined should be avoided if you are trying to reduce inflammation. Highly refined flour is found in most white flour products such as crackers<\/a>, rolls, and bread, french fries, white instant potatoes, as well as many different bowls of cereal. Processed carbohydrates not only cause inflammation, but they are one of the main drivers of higher rates of obesity as well as other chronic conditions.<\/p>\n

The refined flours in products simply pass through the digestive system at a quicker rate. When digestion occurs quickly it creates a quick rise of insulin and sugar levels in the body. The body\u2019s response to this rise in blood sugar levels and insulin levels is inflammation. In addition, these foods also fuel the production of AGE, which stimulates inflammation as well. PAI-1 is the main inflammatory marker that is found in refined flour. Lowering the number of refined flours consumed in your diet can greatly reduce inflammation. <\/p>\n


5. Sugar<\/h3>\n

Eating too much sugar can wreak havoc on the body. Not only does sugar cause inflammation, but it can also lead to other diseases as well. High fructose corn syrup and table sugar are the main types of sugar that are added to the diet. One of the reasons that eating too much sugar is bad for you is because it causes the body to produce cytokines. Cytokines<\/a> are related to inflammation within the body.<\/p>\n

It is important to note that the small amount of fructose that is found in fruits and vegetables are okay. These are considered to be healthy sugars and can be good for the body. Adding extra sugar to the food that you eat or eating foods that are already high in sugar can have devastating effects on the body. Sugar is linked not only to inflammation, but also insulin resistance, fatty liver disease, diabetes, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and even cancer. <\/p>\n


6. Alcohol<\/h3>\n

There are a few studies that have shown that moderate consumption of alcohol<\/a> may provide some health benefits. However, drinking higher amounts can cause severe issues within the body. One study showed that the more alcohol that a person consumes the more the levels of CRP increased. A person who drinks a high amount of alcohol will typically develop issues with bacteria moving from the colon and into the rest of the body.<\/p>\n

This condition is known as leaky gut. Leaky gut can cause widespread inflammation that can end up causing damage to the organs. In order to avoid health issues related to alcohol, it is recommended to limit the intake of alcohol to two drinks per day for men and one drink a day for women. However, not consuming alcohol at all is often the best choice as even though there may be a few benefits from drinking alcohol, they do not typically outweigh the risks.


7. Dairy Products<\/h3>\n

When it comes to consuming dairy products it can be difficult to know exactly how much you should consume. Most people believe that dairy products are the only way to get enough calcium in their diet. However, if you suffer from the symptoms of inflammation on a regular basis, cutting dairy products from your diet can be a good idea. The main reason that dairy products cause inflammation is that the human body is not great at suggesting some of the proteins that are found in dairy. Casein and lactose<\/a> are found in most dairy products.<\/p>\n

Both lactose and casein are the main culprits that can cause chronic inflammation if you do not cut dairy products from your diet. While cutting dairy out entirely can be quite difficult for some, cutting back on how much dairy you consume can go a long way when it comes to issues with inflammation. <\/p>\n


8. Trans Fats<\/h3>\n

If you ask any dietician or doctor, chances are that they are going to tell you that trans fats are some of the unhealthiest fats that can be consumed. These artificial fats are made by adding hydrogen to unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fats are liquids and when hydrogen is added it gives them more stability, like solid fat. Trans fats <\/a>are typically listed as being partially hydrogenated oils on food labels.<\/p>\n

Most types of margarine have trans fats and these are often added to processed foods to help extend the shelf life of the product. Trans fats can be one of the top causes of inflammation. They lower the beneficial \u201cgood\u201d HDL cholesterol that is found in the body. In addition, trans fats also impair the function of endothelial cells, which line the arteries. Overall, consuming trans fats may cause inflammation as well as increase the risk of several types of diseases, including heart disease and for these reasons should be avoided. <\/p>\n


9. Processed Meats<\/h3>\n

Eating processed meats such as bacon, ham, sausage<\/a>, beef jerky, smoked meats, luncheon meats, etc is associated with increasing the risk of diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer, and stomach cancer. These types of processed meats contain more AGEs than most of the other types of meats. AGEs are formed by cooking the meats at a high temperature and are known for causing inflammatory changes that can cause disease.<\/p>\n

Of the diseases that have been linked to the consumption of processed meat, colon cancer is the strongest. While there are many factors that contribute to the development of colon cancer, one of the mechanisms that seem to be a cause of it is the inflammatory response by the colon cells to eating processed meats. Cutting processed meats out of your diet can be one of the best ways to lower your risk of developing certain diseases including colon cancer. <\/p>\n


10. Additives<\/h3>\n

One of the best ways to avoid inflammation is to eat foods that are all-natural. Most of the candy and ice cream that you consume as well as the majority of processed foods have artificial additives in them. These ingredients are artificial, which means fake. For this reason, the body does not really have a special function in order to digest these additives. The natural response of the body when it comes to additives<\/a> and artificial coloring is to try to fight them.<\/p>\n

One of the ways that the body fights against what it deems as an \u201cinvader\u201d is with inflammation. As mentioned, inflammation is not always a bad thing. However, when your body is constantly trying to fight off unwanted invaders, it can cause damage to all areas of the body. Eating a healthy diet and limiting foods that are full of additives can lower your risk of inflammation and the development of diseases. <\/p>\n


11. Iodized Salt<\/h3>\n

A diet that is high in sodium can be hard on the body. While eating iodized salt<\/a> is not a direct cause of inflammation, it can indirectly cause issues within the body. When too much salt is consumed the kidneys may struggle to get rid of it. When the kidneys are unable to get rid of the salt from the blood, the sodium which is found in the salt can cause the volume of the blood to increase. When the volume of the blood increases it starts to expand.<\/p>\n

This expansion of the blood causes the veins to also expand. When this occurs, inflammation in the body becomes even worse. Salt is found in many different foods and it is a good idea to read labels and choose foods that are low in sodium. Avoid adding iodized salt to the foods that you eat as this can cause health issues that are associated with inflammation. <\/p>\n


12. Peanuts<\/h3>\n

One of the most common food allergies among people is peanuts<\/a>. One of the reasons that peanuts cause allergic reactions among many people is because of the molds that are found naturally on peanuts. Even people who do not have an anaphylactic response to eating or being around peanuts may have an inflammatory response to eating peanuts as the body recognizes them as being foreign invaders. The molds that are found on peanuts are considered to be allergens.<\/p>\n

The immune system responds to these molds and this results in inflammation occurring. If you eat peanuts regularly or even products that contain peanuts and experience the symptoms of inflammation, you may want to try cutting peanuts out of your regular diet as this may be the main cause of some of the health issues that you are experiencing. Read labels to make sure that products that you are consuming are not prepared with peanuts present. <\/p>\n


13. Aspartame<\/h3>\n

Since sugar is on the list of foods that cause inflammation, chances are that you may want to try to go sugar-free. While this is a good idea, it can also cause some other health issues to arise, especially if you choose products that contain aspartame instead of sugar. Aspartame is approved by the FDA and it is found in over 4000 products throughout the world.<\/p>\n

Even though aspartame has FDA approval, the studies that have been done on the effects of aspartame are quite mixed. The impact that aspartame has on people who suffer from an autoimmune<\/a> disease is not known. People who have a sensitivity to the chemical may have an immune reaction as the body will treat it as a foreign substance. This will cause inflammation to occur within the body as it is one of the body\u2019s first lines of defense. <\/p>\n


14. Seitan and Agave<\/h3>\n

Seitan and Agave are two items that are often consumed by vegetarians and vegans. Seitan is fake meat that many vegans and vegetarians are obsessed with. However, what most people do not realize is that seitan is created by wheat protein going through extreme texturizing. This process creates a product that can cause inflammation just like eating red meat. The other product that many health enthusiasts turn to is agave.<\/p>\n

Agave is listed as a sugar alternative. However, what many people think that agave is better than consuming sugar, the truth is that agave actually has more fructose<\/a> than what is found in white sugar. Consuming agave as a sugar alternative can actually cause damage to your liver. It is best to try to remove added sugar from your diet. If you crave sweet foods, turn to fruits as an alternative to highly processed foods that are full of sugar, be it fake or real. <\/p>\n


15. Packed Juices<\/h3>\n

Drinking fruit juices<\/a> can be a good way to get some of the vitamins and nutrients that your body needs to function properly. However, packed juices are not healthy as they almost always are put through a pasteurization process. This means that they are held at high temperatures. The process of pasteurization kills off even the good bacteria that is found in fruit juice. This means that all that you are getting is sugar.<\/p>\n

As mentioned on this list of foods that cause inflammation, sugar is a common denominator. If you truly want to get the benefits of drinking juice you need to keep fresh juices on hand and avoid choosing packed juices. Just like choosing fresh fruits and vegetables over processed foods is the best, choosing fresh juice is the best choice for your body as well when you are trying to avoid inflammation.<\/p>\n\r\n
