{"id":2615,"date":"2018-08-13T01:30:51","date_gmt":"2018-08-13T01:30:51","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/besthealth.guide\/?p=2615"},"modified":"2021-10-13T00:53:39","modified_gmt":"2021-10-13T00:53:39","slug":"8-typical-causes-of-boils","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/besthealth.guide\/8-typical-causes-of-boils\/","title":{"rendered":"8 Typical Causes of Boils"},"content":{"rendered":"


Developing boils on the skin is quite common. Boils are simply an infection of the hair follicle and the skin that surrounds it. This infection can become quite painful. A boil starts out as a red lump and then will fill with pus as the white blood cells rush to the area in order to fight off the infection.<\/p>\n

Most of the time good home care will clear up a single boil, which is also referred to as a skin abscess. When a boil resists treatment or is located in a sensitive area of the body, care from a doctor may become necessary. When caring for a boil at home it is important to make sure that you do not pick at it or squeeze it as this can cause the infection to spread. The boil will typically rupture and drain on its own. Here are 8 typical causes of boils to consider.<\/p>\n

1. Staphylococcal Bacteria<\/h3>\n

The most common cause for a boil is a germ. The germ is staphylococcal bacteria. It will enter the body through any type of nick or cut that appears in the skin. The bacteria will then travel down through the hair and into the hair follicle. As the bacteria grows, it causes the hair follicle<\/a> to become inflamed. When this occurs, a red bump will often appear. As the bacteria continue to spread, so does the infection.<\/p>\n

This can cause the hair follicle to grow, until a bump forms. The bump or boil will become quite large and inflamed. If it is picked at, the infection can spread to other areas nearby. This can cause more boils to appear on the skin. When a person has this type of infection it is best to simply leave the boil alone until it pops and then drains on its own. The white blood cells will work to kill the infection and eventually the boil will go away. <\/p>\n


2. Diabetes<\/h3>\n

When most people think about diabetes<\/a> they do not consider all of the health issues that disease may cause. Diabetics do not produce enough insulin to help rid the body of sugar. When blood sugar levels are not maintained it can cause all types of illnesses. A person with diabetes may suffer from boils frequently. The reason for this is because the body is more susceptible to skin infections in a person who has diabetes.<\/p>\n

Changing your dietary habits by eating a diabetic-friendly diet can help to prevent boils from appearing on the skin. Most of the time a boil will clear up on its own. However, in some cases, more boils may appear in different areas of the skin. If you are diabetic and suffer from boils it is a good idea to see your doctor discuss the different things that you can do in order to prevent the boils from reappearing. <\/p>\n


3. Poor Immunity<\/h3>\n

A person\u2019s immune system<\/a> goes a long way in helping to stave off any type of illness. The stronger a person\u2019s immunity, the less likely they are to fall victim to illness. If a person has problems with their immune system it can cause boils to develop. Since a boil is caused by a bacterial infection, a strong immune system is needed in order to fight off the infection.<\/p>\n

When there are not enough white blood cells being created to fight off the infection, the boils may spread or become quite large before finally going away. Anyone that suffers from a disease that affects their immune system is more at risk for developing boils. It is important to make sure that you do what you can to support your immune system when fighting off an infection. Eating the right foods and changing hygiene habits can help reduce the risk of boils developing. <\/p>\n

\"\"4. Poor Nutrition<\/h3>\n

Chances are that you have heard the saying you are what you eat. If you are like most people you simply think that this is a cute saying and really means nothing. However, the truth of the matter is, you truly are what you eat. A person who does not follow a very healthy diet is more likely to develop several types of illnesses.<\/p>\n

This includes the development of boils on the skin. The food that you put in your body is broken down and used for energy and to support all of the organs of the body. When you are not giving your body the nutrients that it needs, it cannot fight off illnesses as well. If you suffer from boils, changing your diet is important. You want to make sure that you are eating foods that help to boost your immunity and fight off infections<\/a>. <\/p>\n


5. Poor Hygiene<\/h3>\n

When it comes to causes of boils, one of the main issues that people with boils have is poor hygiene<\/a>. Boils are caused by an infection that gets into the hair follicles. When the bacteria enters the body, it starts to grow. One of the best ways to prevent the infection from spreading is to make sure that you wash these areas appropriately.<\/p>\n

It is important to practice good hygiene habits in order to reduce the chances of boils appearing on the skin. Washing your hands with warm soapy water regularly, especially after using the bathroom is important for keeping your skin and body healthy. Showering regularly and making sure to scrub all of those little crevices in your body can help to prevent boils from appearing. Antibacterial soap should be used on the entire body as this can help to fight off the bacteria that may cause a boil to appear. <\/p>\n


6. Harsh Chemical Exposure<\/h3>\n

The skin is the largest organ of the body. It is the first line of defense against disease and for that reason needs to be protected as much as possible. While most people have skin that can withstand certain chemicals<\/a> and contaminants, there are others who are more sensitive to these types of things.<\/p>\n

Using perfumes, lotions, and other items on the skin may cause it to become irritated. When the skin is irritated or inflamed, it is easier for bacteria to enter as the barrier becomes broken. When the bacteria enters the skin, it can infect the hair follicle and cause a boil to appear. Exposure to harsh chemicals can cause many types of skin irritation and should be avoided. If you are exposed to a harsh chemical, make sure that you wash the skin with soap and water immediately to remove the remnants and reduce the risk of infection. <\/p>\n


7. Obesity<\/h3>\n

Being overweight can cause many health issues. Carrying around too much weight can put a strain on the entire body. This includes the heart and other organs as well as the muscles. In addition, there is a link to boils and obesity<\/a>. A person who is obese is more likely to develop boils. The reasons for this are often associated with hygiene. Boils often develop in areas of the skin that are not kept quite as clean.<\/p>\n

This may include areas under fat rolls that are hard to get to with a bar of soap. Losing weight and practicing proper hygiene habits can go a long way to keeping boils at bay. Since boils are an infection of a hair follicle, waxing, and shaving the hair may prevent boils in some cases. However, the act of waxing and shaving may also expose the hair follicle to bacteria, which would increase the risk of boils. <\/p>\n


8. Other Skin Conditions<\/h3>\n

While boils are considered a skin condition, they may be caused because of another skin condition that is present. A person who has eczema<\/a> is often scratching their skin because it is itchy and irritated. The scratching of the eczema patches may cause a boil to appear as the skin is broken.<\/p>\n

Scabies is another condition of the skin that causes a person to scratch almost uncontrollably. If your skin is itchy, inflamed, and irritated, it is best to treat the itchiness with a cream or ointment designed to help alleviate the itching. When you are not scratching the skin it is more likely to heal.<\/p>\n

During the healing process, the likelihood of developing a boil is lessened. If you scratch and break the skin it provides an entry way for bacteria. When the bacteria enter the skin it can cause a boil to appear. Try to avoid scratching repeatedly in order to prevent boils from appearing.<\/p>\n\r\n
