{"id":2218,"date":"2018-07-18T04:47:01","date_gmt":"2018-07-18T04:47:01","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/besthealth.guide\/?p=2218"},"modified":"2021-10-06T03:02:13","modified_gmt":"2021-10-06T03:02:13","slug":"18-fascinating-benefits-of-lemon","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/besthealth.guide\/18-fascinating-benefits-of-lemon\/","title":{"rendered":"18 Fascinating Benefits of Lemon"},"content":{"rendered":"


We often associate the word lemon with being unwanted, awkward, or otherwise \u2018odd\u2019. When we\u2019re left out in a conversation, for instance, we will often say that we feel like a lemon. But where lemons got this bad reputation from is unclear.<\/p>\n

After all, lemon is far from being unuseful or unwanted! In fact, lemon has a huge number of very impressive health benefits. In this post, we\u2019ll look at 18 of the very best, and hopefully, you\u2019ll see why it deserves a place in your diet.<\/p>\n

And apart from anything else, lemon is also highly versatile: you can use lemon as an ingredient in a whole range of different types of cooking, you can flavor things with lemon\u2026 it\u2019s even common to make lemon-flavored tea!<\/p>\n

Across much of Europe, lemon is commonly used in the place of milk in tea. And as you\u2019ll see, those Europeans might have been doing themselves a world of good without even knowing it!<\/p>\n

1. Boosts the Immune System<\/h3>\n

The biggest benefit of lemon<\/a> is likely the simple fact that it contains a huge amount of vitamin C. That in turn brings a whole host of other incredible benefits, which we are going to break down.<\/p>\n

One of the biggest benefits of vitamin C is that it strengthens and supports the immune system. In other words, it helps the body to ward off infections and other unwanted pathogens. That in turn helps to keep you feeling healthier and stronger for more of the time and also prevents a whole host of potentially unwanted symptoms.<\/p>\n

This is especially important during times of high stress. It\u2019s highly important for athletes too, who will often be highly prone to illness during times when they are engaging in a lot of intensive training and might, therefore, find themselves struggling to recover between bouts of working out!<\/p>\n


2. Boosts the Mood<\/h3>\n

Another big benefit of lemon is that it can help to give you a boost in mood and pick-me-up. Once again, this is actually due to the very impressive benefits of vitamin C.<\/a> As well as being a potent immune-system booster, vitamin C is also highly effective when it comes to increasing the production of the neurotransmitter \u2018serotonin\u2019. This is the \u2018happiness hormone\u2019 and helps to make us feel better and more energetic. It\u2019s even been shown to act as a natural pain killer!<\/p>\n

At the same time, the small amount of natural sugar that comes from having some lemon in your water means you\u2019ll also avoid the dip in glucose that can lead to an increase in cortisol \u2013 i.e. the stress hormone.
\nThis is actually why a lot of people will burn lemon oil. The fumes help them to feel happier and more optimistic because they are raising those good hormones!<\/p>\n


3. Enhances Hydration<\/h3>\n

Hydration<\/a> is incredibly important for us. Dehydration leads to a wide range of issues, including slower cognitive performance, muscle cramps, dried-out skin, headaches (the brain actually shrinks when it loses moisture and pulls away from the inside of the skull!), and much more. With all that in mind, the fact that lemon can enhance hydration should make it highly appealing for a wide range of people.<\/p>\n

This is because lemon is able to make the water slightly more palatable and thereby makes it easier to drink in large quantities. A small amount of lemon added to water will also add a little sugar to it to make it easier to drink, while the sharpness may help to make it easier to consume in larger quantities.<\/p>\n


4. Combats Cancer<\/h3>\n

It\u2019s not any kind of miracle cure, but you may find that drinking more lemon will help you to reduce your likelihood of getting cancer.<\/p>\n

This is because that good-old vitamin C that we have already been raving about is also a potent antioxidant<\/a>. Antioxidants are substances that occur naturally in the body and in our food, which have the significant benefit of being able to neutralize the effects of free radicals.<\/p>\n

Free radicals meanwhile are substances that travel around the body and can cause a large amount of damage when they come into contact with the cells. In this short term, this damage can eventually add up to become visible from the surface of the skin. In other words, oxidative damage (as it is known) is one of the big causes of the visible signs of aging!<\/p>\n

At the same time though, when those free radicals manage to break through the cell walls and reach the nucleus where the DNA resides, they can actually lead to very serious damage and mutations which then get copied each time the cell splits and divides via mitosis. This is what eventually can lead to cancer.<\/p>\n


5. It Helps With Weight Loss<\/h3>\n

Again, don\u2019t expect miracle results overnight. Many of these benefits are relatively minor and short-term. But what you\u2019ll also find from using lemon is that it can help to support you in your weight loss<\/a>. This has been shown to be especially true when drinking lemon water.<\/p>\n

The reasons for this aren\u2019t fully known but have been shown by data. In one study, mice that were put onto a high-fat diet actually demonstrated less weight gain as a result of adding lemon. In other studies, it has been shown that human participants find it easier to lose weight when drinking more water.<\/p>\n

One possible explanation is that lemon water could help to suppress the appetite and thereby make it slightly easier for them to avoid consuming more outside of the parameters of their diet.
\nBut it may also have something to do with insulin levels\u2026<\/p>\n


6. It Improves Insulin Resistance<\/h3>\n

Improved insulin<\/a> resistance is a serious problem if it points toward diabetes. Insulin is a hormone that the body uses in order to extract glucose from the blood when levels are high and then either use that to provide extra energy or to store as fat.<\/p>\n

The problem is that low insulin sensitivity means that your body doesn\u2019t properly use the sugar that\u2019s in the body. As such, you don\u2019t get to use it when you need it \u2013 when you\u2019re active or when the levels are very high. Thus you might feel very tired and lethargic but still find yourself gaining weight over time! Eventually, this can lead to diabetes. Among other things, diabetes causes levels of sugar to become so high in the blood that it becomes highly toxic and begins to damage the nerves and impair organ function.<\/p>\n

So if lemon really can improve insulin resistance (and more studies need to be conducted before this can be confirmed) then that would make it hugely beneficial for those trying to lose weight and even more so for those that are at high risk of diabetes.<\/p>\n


7. It Aids Digestion<\/h3>\n

Lemon contains natural digestive enzymes<\/a>. This means that it contains substances that help to increase the body\u2019s ability to break down food. This is important for a number of reasons.<\/p>\n

Firstly, it means that you are less likely to get indigestion. Indigestion is caused when the body doesn\u2019t properly break down its food, which in turn can cause the esophageal sphincter to become open. This is the gap at the end of the food pipe leading into the stomach (which isn\u2019t at the top as you might imagine it to be!). Thus, both food and stomach acids can end up making their way back up the esophagus and this can in turn cause damage to the throat and cause pain in the chest.<\/p>\n

More worryingly though, poor digestion can lead to the body not absorbing the nutrients from your food properly. If you have this issue, then you can actually eat large amounts of all the right foods\u2026 and still, end up malnourished!<\/p>\n

This may be why lemon water has traditionally be considered important in Ayurvedic medicine (in India). Here, lemon is considered a powerful \u2018Agni\u2019 \u2013 a substance that can jumpstart the digestive system!<\/p>\n


8. Better Breath<\/h3>\n

This might be a little less \u2018game-changing\u2019 than the other items on this list. But what\u2019s also amazing news is that lemon can help to improve your breath!<\/p>\n

This makes a lot of intuitive sense, seeing as lemon is generally very good at helping to neutralize bad odors. Many people will rub lemon on their hands when working with other ingredients like garlic as a way to remove that smell! Well, guess what, it can also help to mask bad smells with its own strong-but-pleasant aroma.<\/p>\n

More importantly though, lemon can help to stimulate the production of saliva. Saliva<\/a> is what prevents our mouth from getting dried out. But at the same time, it also acts as an antibacterial agent killing off the bacteria inside our mouths.<\/p>\n

As you might expect, this can in turn help to make your breath smell better. And that\u2019s simply because halitosis (the technical term for bad breath) is actually caused by bacteria!<\/p>\n


9. Better Teeth<\/h3>\n

You probably assume that lemon will be bad for the teeth due to the content of sugar<\/a>. This is true to an extent and if you were to drink lemon juice alone all day and every day, then you eventually probably would find your teeth becoming damaged as the enamel would start to wear down!<\/p>\n

But on the other hand, drinking lemon also increases saliva production as we\u2019ve seen, and this can in turn prevent the existence of bacteria in the mouth. That will then help you to have cleaner and healthier teeth. And this is especially true seeing as most of us already consume a large amount of sugar and all you need to do to reduce the negative effects is to mix it with a little bit of water!<\/p>\n


10. No Kidney Stones!<\/h3>\n

The reason that lemons seem so acidic is that they contain citric acid<\/a> (this is also what makes them effective as digestive enzymes). So, if you drink the lemon juice, then you\u2019ll find that it can help to break up some unwanted substances inside the body as well.<\/p>\n

That includes breaking up kidney stones \u2013 which are stones caused by gathering calcium and other mineral deposits which can cause a lot of damage and be incredibly painful when you need to pass them!<\/p>\n

Just one more great reason to squeeze a little lemon into your next glass of cold water!<\/p>\n


11. It Supports Energy Levels<\/h3>\n

Lemon will help to boost your energy levels and could be a useful pre-workout drink.
\nFirstly, this is true due to the sugar content. You\u2019re getting just enough in here to boost your energy levels and to provide you with a little fuel, but you\u2019re not going to spike your
blood sugar<\/a> with a huge amount that will cause a crash later no.<\/p>\n

Moreover, lemon juice also contains vitamin B6 \u2013 this is a substance that helps us to utilize sugar from our diet when it comes to creating energy. In other words, then, lemon juice gives you the energy and then helps you to make good use of it! Pretty great combo.<\/p>\n

Add in the hydration and this becomes a very effective way to boost your performance in the next run!<\/p>\n


12. It Helps With Sleep<\/h3>\n

Lemon can actually help you to sleep better!<\/p>\n

This is partly thanks to the added hydration, which of course will also lead to better sleep. But at the same time, it\u2019s also true thanks to the increase in serotonin<\/a>. Serotonin is actually a precursor to melatonin. What that means is that the body will take it and use it to create the sleep hormone. So you feel good about yourself and then you get the sleepiness!<\/p>\n

We actually produce serotonin when we eat a big meal too and this is the reason that you will often crash out after Christmas dinner. Lemon juice provides the same sleepy benefit but it doesn\u2019t require you to gorge on food first, thereby ensuring that you won\u2019t be too busy digesting in order to sleep properly.<\/p>\n


13. Better Skin<\/h3>\n

We\u2019ve seen that you can get some skin benefits from lemon already. That\u2019s because it will help to combat free radicals that would otherwise wreak havoc and cause damage to your cells that might eventually become visible on a macroscopic level.<\/p>\n

But at the same time, lemon can also boost the skin in other ways. For instance, it contains vitamin E<\/a> which is a very valuable nutrient for skin health that has been implicated in wound healing, the reduction of scars, and a whole host of other impressive benefits.<\/p>\n

Some people also believe that they can apply lemon juice directly to the face in order to enjoy other benefits \u2013 such as minimizing the appearance of scars. This isn\u2019t advisable however as it can actually upset the natural balance of acids and alkaline that make up the \u2018skin barrier\u2019 and help to keep out bacteria and other unwanted foreign invaders.<\/p>\n


14. Hair<\/h3>\n

Where lemon juice<\/a> might be slightly less destructive and more helpful is when applied to the hair. It has been said to help treat dandruff, hair loss, and other issues due to the acid balance once again. This isn\u2019t a good idea for the same reason that applying it to your face isn\u2019t a good idea.<\/p>\n

But on the hair itself, adding lemon juice before going out in the sun is said to be a very effective way to encourage a lightening of the hair. So if you are a brunette who is convinced that \u2018blondes have more fun\u2019, then you may wish to give this a shot and see for yourself!<\/p>\n

It\u2019s also possible that applying lemon juice to the hair itself could give it a glossier sheen and a nice fresh smell for summer. Just keep it off the scalp!<\/p>\n


15. Aids Respiratory Problems<\/h3>\n

Lemon might be helpful in reducing the symptoms of a range of respiratory disorders. These include things like asthma<\/a>, allergies, and more. The benefit here comes again from the vitamin C, but in this case, this works by helping to relax the body and reduce the muscle contractions and inflammation that can cause the windpipe to become narrower and more difficult to breathe through.<\/p>\n

Again, this is a reason that burning lemon oil as an essential oil can be a useful strategy for some people. Definitely one to try out \u2013 what do you have to lose?<\/p>\n


16. Anti-Bacterial<\/h3>\n

Lemon juice is a great choice for a throat infection because it is directly antibacterial<\/a>. That\u2019s right: lemon juice can on its own cause the direct and immediate reduction of bacteria in any area where it comes into contact with it.<\/p>\n

This is also why some people will try applying lemon juice too cuts and scrapes. This isn\u2019t a particularly good idea however for one obvious reason \u2013 it is also highly acidic! While that won\u2019t cause any serious damage to your open wounds, it will certainly sting a whole lot and that is really the last thing anyone needs when they\u2019re trying to heal from a cut or a wound.<\/p>\n

Inside though? This is a great choice for helping you to avoid unwanted symptoms.<\/p>\n


17. Cold and Fever<\/h3>\n

Lemon has a huge multi-pronged attack on colds and fevers. For one, we have just learned that lemon is directly anti-bacterial. That means that it can help to reduce the bacteria in the mouth and throat that are causing the swelling and discomfort that are associated with colds and flu<\/a>.<\/p>\n

At the same time, it also means that it can help the body to fight the infection and improve your recovery. Then there is the added benefit of vitamin C which helps to boost the immune system, along with combating free radicals thereby further improving this effect.<\/p>\n

Lemon juice is also anti-inflammatory, meaning it can help to reduce the swelling in the throat and improve regular breathing.<\/p>\n

For all these reasons, drinking lemon juice is a fantastic strategy for overcoming a cold or flu, as is breathing in a little lemon oil if you put it in a burner or diffuser. To get even more benefits, also try spending more time outdoors. A recent study has shown that sunlight (and the resulting vitamin D) may be even better than cold and flu vaccines when it comes to avoiding the illnesses! A bit of lemon juice and sun a day will keep the doc away!<\/p>\n


18. Brain Function<\/h3>\n

Have you ever noticed that lemon juice is naturally refreshing? The smell is effective in helping us to wake up, which might have something to do with an increase in dopamine<\/a> \u2013 the brain\u2019s motivation chemical. This is yet another good reason to consider traveling with a little lemon oil or burning it when you want to get some serious work done in a relaxed but focussed state.<\/p>\n

What\u2019s more, is that lemon could help to improve brain function in a host of other ways too. The calming effects of the serotonin help us to become more creative and clear-headed. At the same time, it also contains a number of other nutrients such as zinc that have been implicated in optimum brain performance.<\/p>\n\r\n
