{"id":2183,"date":"2018-07-17T03:40:00","date_gmt":"2018-07-17T03:40:00","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/besthealth.guide\/?p=2183"},"modified":"2020-07-21T15:48:46","modified_gmt":"2020-07-21T15:48:46","slug":"10-natural-ways-to-deal-easily-with-eosinophilic-asthma","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/besthealth.guide\/10-natural-ways-to-deal-easily-with-eosinophilic-asthma\/","title":{"rendered":"10 Natural Ways to Deal Easily With Eosinophilic Asthma"},"content":{"rendered":"


Basically, eosinophilic asthma can best be described as an allergic reaction gone wrong. An eosinophil is a white blood cell type essential to fighting infections and parasitic invasions. It occurs when the level of eosinophils in the blood increases as the white blood cells go into battle mode.<\/p>\n

The symptoms of increased eosinophils include allergies, coughing, and respiratory problems. It results in the body fighting itself or sabotaging its own health. So, it stands to reason that in beating eosinophilic conditions, staying healthy is key. If you can give your body every chance of not having to raise its eosinophilic count, you won\u2019t have to undo the symptoms of what can be a frightening asthma attack.<\/p>\n

This kind of asthma is adult in onset – so if you\u2019re a sufferer, be adult enough to consider using one or more of these natural remedies to help. Eosinophilic asthma need not be a health sentence!<\/p>\n

1. Avoid Heartburn-inducing Foods<\/h3>\n

As adult-onset asthma with many causes, eosinophilia is mainly linked to an increase in levels of eosinophils, a subset of white blood cells. As a result, it is often thought of as blood and respiratory-related disease. But managing this disease includes minimizing every kind of onslaught possible. To that end, if you have eosinophilia, you have to understand that your food canal also plays a role. The esophagus, when it constricts, can cause you not only to choke but can intensify your asthma attack, making it that much worse.<\/p>\n

To manage esophageal constriction, the ideal is to limit foods that cause heartburn by triggering an excess of stomach acids. These food culprits are usually very spicy, fatty, and tasty in nature – although it will be different for everyone. As a start, try to eliminate garlic, onion, spicy foods such as chili-rich foods, mint, fried foods, fermented sauces, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, and fizzy drinks.<\/p>\n


2. Drink Neem Juice<\/h3>\n

As a herb, Neem has an abundance of antiseptic and infection-fighting properties. It is thought of as a natural cleanser for the blood. This well-known medicinal tree is famous on the Indian subcontinent. As an antimicrobial, neem has natural properties to help rid the body of infections and microbes. If you have eosinophilia, you\u2019d be doing yourself a favor by making friends with this herb, either in juice form, liquid extract form, or supplement form. Many patients with this condition take neem juice as a dietary alternative to regular juice.<\/p>\n

If you find the juice bitter or hard to swallow, or dislike the bad aftertaste, switch to taking this herb in supplement form. Neem detoxes the blood and naturally elevates your level of immunity. Cumulatively, this lessens the chances of your body producing excess eosinophils, which in turn substantially neutralizers one of your asthma triggers. Neem is one of the main alternative remedies in use for eosinophilia.<\/p>\n


3. Steam Ahead<\/h3>\n

Steam inhalation is one of the oldest remedies for unblocking respiratory airways such as when you have a cold, cough, bad throat, or flu. Steam can help with the breathing issues that are part and parcel of eosinophilia in the same way that it helps alleviate other ailments. Incorporate streaming as part of your daily routine twice or thrice a day. Stand over a steaming kettle or pot, placing a towel over your head, and try to inhale as much as possible. Excessive steaming is bad for the skin, so make sure to use a toner to close your pores afterward.<\/p>\n

If you don\u2019t have a shop toner, citrus fruit such as lemon will do just nicely. When you have eosinophilia, usually, your nasal and breathing cavities are inflamed, thanks to tissue abrasions from previous episodes, and a thick mucous lining. Adding essential oils is best. You only need to add two to three drops of any essential oil.<\/p>\n


4. Consume Black Pepper<\/h3>\n

As a herb-cum-spice, black pepper is another home remedy for eosinophilic asthma that even western doctors agree with. It is commonly used to spice just about every kind of food from fried eggs to meat, fish, onions, and more. The scientific name for this herb is Piper nigrum and it has its origins in India, although some argue that it migrated from China to India. Black Pepper helps to relieve coughing, congestion, and inflammation.<\/p>\n

As an added benefit, it is also an antioxidant and thermogenic in nature, meaning it helps to speed up metabolism. It is also an immune-builder. It is not easy to consume vast amounts of black pepper in your food though, as it will fundamentally change the taste of a dish if you overuse it. Those who take black pepper suggest adding a teaspoon of black pepper to honey, dissolving this in a cup of hot water, and taking the mixture two to three times daily.<\/p>\n


5. Consume Moringa Oleifera<\/h3>\n

It seems that all good things in terms of natural herbs and botanical remedies come from the Indian sub-continent and moringa oleifera is no exception. In this part of the world, alternative ayurvedic remedies have long been used as alternatives to western medicine, with the vast majority of the population have subscribed to it for eons. The power of this plant, which has more phytonutrients than anything else known at this point on earth, is only just being understood. As a result, there are many western moringa supplements freely available – check the extraction ratio of competing products to make sure you are getting the best.<\/p>\n

Perhaps the fact moringa helps with such a wide spectrum of ailments is down not just to it being nutrient-rich, but also a powerful anti-inflammatory. It\u2019s antioxidant and respiratory-aiding properties have now led to clinical trials being conducted on Moringa as a conventional aid for asthma. So far the results are promising.<\/p>\n


6. Ashwagandha<\/h3>\n

And staying with all things herbal, botanical and Eastern-inspired, ashwagandha is another such wonder-plant which now has western supplement makers rushing to bottle it in extracted form and putting it on the shelf in ever more varieties. In eastern medicine, ashwagandha, or Indian ginseng, is used to boost metabolism, cognition, energy levels, and more. It is also featured more and more in alternative remedies for stubborn, recurring urinary tract infections thanks to its powerful antiseptic and antibacterial properties.<\/p>\n

It has been found able to rid the body of toxins – and thus aid the kidneys, liver, and spleen in purifying the blood – in a manner that is matched by only a few other herbs and botanicals. As a result, it is a reliable aid to boosting immunity and cleansing the blood, therefore crucially lowering your excess eosinophil count. It is this action that makes it a warrior in the fight against asthma particularly triggered by too many eosinophils.<\/p>\n


7. Stay Properly Hydrated<\/h3>\n

If you think of any component of your body – whether it\u2019s your brain, tissue, or blood – the fact is water is not only a critical composite part of it but the predominant one. Without it, you simply cannot survive and all the processes in your body would come to a halt. Over and above this, there is no better way to detox, cleanse and purify your body, than to have clean water entering your body, and flushing out unwanted byproducts and toxins. It is imperative that waste not only leaves your body but does so often if your eosinophil levels are to drop.<\/p>\n

So, while most people would go by the conventional wisdom of eight glasses of water per day, you need to increase that to 13 to 16 glasses of water per day. Don\u2019t get your liquid intake via juices or sparkly drinks, as you are only introducing more waste and byproducts such as sugar, sodium, and preservatives.<\/p>\n


8. Up Your Turmeric Intake<\/h3>\n

Like ashwagandha and moringa, turmeric completes the trio of powerful plant antioxidants and thermogenic agents. Even doctors who practice conventional western medicine agree that turmeric has these incredible properties – properties that help to reduce your eosinophil levels and reduce your asthma onset levels. Turmeric is most often found in spicy foods, especially Indian foods such as curry.<\/p>\n

It is what gives these goods their yellow-orange color. It is derived from the bulb of a plant, then dried and grated into powdered form, and sold as such. If you don\u2019t know where to start looking for turmeric, look for it in the spice aisle. Luckily, turmeric, despite being a spice, is mild and almost insipid in taste. Have it in a glass of warm milk, or even over a savory cereal – it really won\u2019t interfere with the taste of anything else that much. If you\u2019re struggling, just remember the benefits to your metabolism as well.<\/p>\n


9. Do The Obvious<\/h3>\n

Sometimes, the answers are staring us in the face but we push blindly on in the face of adversity when all we need to do is remove the obstacle. So it is, firstly, with any singularly bad habits you may have that will trigger all forms of asthma, not just this one. Smoking is one such habit. It causes a litany of problems for the body and lungs, not to mention the way it fills your body with toxins. Of course, smoking also badly constricts your airways. It is not just the double-whammy of bad habits, but the everything-whammy.<\/p>\n

Similarly, look at the conditions around you. Do you have pet dander constantly setting off an allergic reaction in you or dusty carpets, therefore spiking your eosinophils? Is your air conditioner really worth it or is it actually just kicking out dust particles? Do a lifestyle and surroundings audit and start with the obvious changes.<\/p>\n


10. Feast On Fenugreek Seeds<\/h3>\n

These seeds could help relieve your body of eosinophilia-related triggers and ailments as the seeds are packed with anti-inflammatory properties. To ingest them, medics suggest taking two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and boiling them in water. Then, have a good gargle with this mixture to relieve symptoms in your throat area. It will promote healing so your body doesn\u2019t kick out an immune response which then triggers your asthma.<\/p>\n

In addition to fenugreek, go the full distance and consume many leafy greens such as spinach and cruciferous vegetables which make up the nutritional dream team in terms of keeping your immunity strong, and ridding the body of acidic, crystalline and other kinds of build-up. You should also stick to lean white proteins as much a possible, and cut down on anything lending flavor to your food that isn\u2019t a natural herb or spice. That means throwing away condiment bottles and growing fresh herbs instead.<\/p>\n\r\n
