{"id":19640,"date":"2019-12-02T05:07:10","date_gmt":"2019-12-02T05:07:10","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/besthealth.guide\/?p=19640"},"modified":"2021-10-14T01:18:21","modified_gmt":"2021-10-14T01:18:21","slug":"14-troublesome-hiatal-hernia-symptoms","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/besthealth.guide\/14-troublesome-hiatal-hernia-symptoms\/","title":{"rendered":"14 Troublesome Hiatal Hernia Symptoms"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

A hiatal hernia is also commonly called a stomach hernia, and it’s one of the most common types of hernias that people develop. They happen at a rate of a few thousand every year, and if they happen to you, you’re likely to experience some of the symptoms that are mentioned on this list. 

A hiatal hernia is what happens when the stomach pushes upward through the esophagus. Sometimes there are no symptoms associated with a hiatal hernia, but this is extremely rare and it’s likely that you will feel discomfort, pain, and heartburn in addition to a range of other symptoms that can become gradually more serious as the condition gets worse.

Suspect that you might have a stomach hernia? It’s common in people who have lifted a large amount of weight recently, but it can also develop due to genetics or other health conditions that affect the body’s connective tissue.

Here are 14 troublesome hiatal hernia symptoms that you should know about. 


Everyone expects heartburn after a large meal, and there are some meals of the year (like thanksgiving) where you pretty much know heartburn is going to be a given and you subsequently stock up on antacids to make sure it doesn’t ruin your entire day. 

Heartburn <\/a>is often a normal consequence of eating something that your body has trouble processing, whether it’s a big meal or a weird on-the-move snack with a lot of salt and preservatives. But heartburn can also quickly turn into a chronic problem, and this is the point at which you should make an appointment with your doctor.\u00a0

If you experience heartburn more regularly than you used to, it can be one of the first signs that you have a hiatal hernia and that stomach acids are pushing up. Other symptoms on this list are likely to be combined with the heartburn at the same time, and the symptoms are all likely to get worse over time.



2. Reduced or Increased Appetite<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Any changes in appetite are a sure signal that your body is trying to tell you something about what’s going on inside of it. It’s up to you to see your doctor for the proper tests to find out just what it is your body might be trying to tell you \u2013 and if you don’t do this, your symptoms could get worse or you could be leaving something important like a hiatal hernia undiagnosed for months or years from the time you develop it. 

A hiatal hernia <\/a>can affect the way in which your body is able to process food: When this happens, your body isn’t getting the right amount of nutrients, and this leaves you nutritionally deficient in the long term.\u00a0

This can eventually lead to appetite changes \u2013 or severe changes in your weight \u2013 that means you should see your doctor in order to find out what the issue could be.



3. Traveling Chest Pain<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Chest pain<\/a> is always a serious symptom, and it could be indicative of far more things than one could list in one article. Always see your doctor if chest pain is something you experience as a symptom, whether the onset of it is sudden or gradual, and whether you experience it regularly or only as a once-off.\u00a0

Sometimes pain in the chest and abdomen combined can be a sign of a developing hernia (and stomach hernias are common ones), although the same type of chest pain can also signal issues with the lungs, heart or back \u2013 and most of these are very serious ones that will require immediate medical attention if they’re the cause of your symptoms instead. 

Experience any kind of chest pain at all? Go straight to the emergency room regardless of what other symptoms you might experience together with them. If it’s a hernia, it’s easy to treat, and if it’s something else, you’ll be even more glad you saw your doctor.



4. A Sore Throat<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

A sore throat<\/a> is a symptom that most people experience when they get a bout of the flu or a routine cold, and the symptom can usually last for as long as the bout of flu lasts. Usually, after the flu or cold has been adequately dealt with, one can move on to life without the symptom \u2013 but if you experience a chronic sore throat that isn’t from getting the flu, you might have a bigger health issue affecting you.\u00a0

Chronic sore throats can be caused by a few different things.  One of the potential causes is a hiatal or stomach hernia, and this is caused by the secondary symptom of stomach acid traveling up and literally burning the throat. Over time, this can cause even more physical issues including an increased risk of cancer. 

See your doctor if you experience symptoms that don’t go away or recur every few weeks or months.



5. Chronic Vomiting<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Everyone vomits now and again, and there are a thousand different reasons why it could be happening to you. Sometimes vomiting accompanies a night of drinking too much, other times vomiting happens after you’ve eaten something that your body is trying to reject at a fast rate \u2013 and other times, vomiting is a sign of everything from morning sickness to allergies. 

All that you have to know is this: The body vomits when it’s unhappy about something, which can either be something from the outside or something from the inside. 

A hiatal hernia is likely to cause increased episodes of nausea and might trigger chronic vomiting due to the fact that food is no longer able to travel through to the stomach in the right way.

See your doctor if you experience chronic vomiting. Vomiting <\/a>can also trigger further health issues including the degradation of teeth.



6. Nausea<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

It can sound surprising to most people but nausea and vomiting aren’t always two symptoms that go together. People can vomit without being nauseous, and become nauseous without eventually throwing up as a result \u2013 and nausea is one of the most uncomfortable symptoms to have to deal with, and there can be a thousand things causing it. 

One of the first things to look at if you experience chronic nausea <\/a>is a potential stomach hernia, especially if stomach pain and heartburn also form part of the same symptoms.\u00a0

In most cases, controlling the hernia is enough to make the symptoms (including nausea) a thing of the past, but you have to see your doctor in order to get the condition properly diagnosed first or your doctor will have no idea that there’s anything to fix. Mention all of your symptoms to your doctor in order to make diagnosis easier. 



7. Foods \u201cPushing Up\u201d<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

One of the most common ways in which people describe the feeling of a stomach hernia is that they feel food getting stuck on the way down, or they say that they feel other foods pushing upwards through the esophagus not long after they’ve eaten a meal or snack<\/a>.\u00a0

The reason it feels like this when you have a hernia is because this is exactly what’s happening to your body: Because of the fact that food is no longer able to travel to the right place in the right way due to the hernia, you’ll start to feel this and it can gradually get worse as your hernia develops. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

The only course of action here if you suspect that you have a hernia or start to have any trouble eating is to see your doctor; only the right tests can help to tell you what the problem is, and you can only fix the problem once you and your doctor have been able to figure out what’s causing it. 



8. Upward Flowing of Stomach Acid<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Heartburn isn’t the only symptom related to stomach acid that you’re likely to experience if you have a hernia. Sometimes stomach acid can flow even further up into the body \u2013 and from there, flow up into the esophagus <\/a>or into the mouth.\u00a0

If you’re vomiting what feels like pure stomach acid or it appears to be pushing its way up by its own accord, make an appointment with your doctor. One of the first things you should mention to them is that you suspect you might have a stomach hernia. 

This is truer if you have a combination of symptoms, but the upward flowing of stomach acid almost always signals issues with the esophagus, stomach or stomach valve systems \u2013 and all of them will need medical treatment in order to get the problem to stop.



9. Increased Issues with Certain Foods<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

A long term stomach hernia can cause the regurgitation of food and the upwards flowing of stomach acid towards the esophagus and mouth, but this isn’t always one of the first symptoms and sometimes will only show up once the condition has reached the more advanced stages where it’s been allowed to do a little more damage to the body.

One of the first trigger signs that you might have a stomach hernia is an increased amount of issues with some types of foods. At first, not all of them present an issue \u2013 and this is an early sign that means you should get the problem looked at before it progresses further.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Common foods include sugars,
bread<\/a>, meat and pastas; common liquids can include a sudden intolerance to things like fizzing drinks, alcohol or coffee. If your body starts to reject certain types of foods, there’s usually a practical reason for it.



10. Difficulty Swallowing<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Difficulty swallowing isn’t a problem if it’s something that only happens to your body once in every five years, or if it happens as a symptom of something else like a sore throat associated with a bout of the flu \u2013 but there are times where you can point towards difficulty swallowing as a regular or chronic issue, and this means that you should see your doctor ASAP in order to diagnose and treat the cause. 

Sometimes trouble swallowing can be traced to a stomach hernia. This is truer if you experience any other similar symptoms that appear on this list together with it. 

There are also a few other things that can trigger difficulty swallowing, and most of the other ones where it’s not because of an obvious cause are very serious ones like multiple sclerosis<\/a>. See your doctor as soon as possible, especially if you have a family history of serious medical problems.



11. Breathing Issues<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Breathing problems aren’t always because of the lungs, and they aren’t always caused by chronic health problems like asthma<\/a>. Sometimes problems breathing can happen because of other factors where body parts close to the lungs are affected as a result, and one of the most common reasons can include a hiatal hernia.\u00a0

Yes, stomach acid can find its way into the airways by accident, and the consequence is extremely painful and could be very dangerous depending on the circumstances. Remember that if it can happen once, it can definitely happen again \u2013 and it might even happen in your sleep when you are less likely to notice. 

Sometimes the associated breathing issues can lead to other health effects including snoring, which is caused by breathing problems in turn caused by the undiagnosed hernia.

See your doctor for any breathing trouble and mention if you experience any related symptoms that appear on this list. 



12. Recurring Stomach Pain<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Stomach pain can happen for a variety of reasons and it happens to thousands of people every year. Most people will experience stomach pain for some or other reason at least a few times per year \u2013 sometimes because they’ve eaten something that doesn’t quite agree with their bodies as well as they’d hoped, other times due to stress <\/a>or outright food poisoning.\u00a0

But if stomach pain turns chronic, it’s better to see your doctor \u2013 and this is true for most other types of symptoms that you experience. Chronic stomach pain can be one of the first and certainly one of the most uncomfortable symptoms associated with a stomach hernia, and you should see your doctor the moment you experience it regularly.

There are other things that can cause recurring stomach pain, although most of them will require some kind of treatment and seeing your doctor is the only thing that can tell you what’s really up.



13. Other Digestive Issues<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Other than stomach pain and heartburn, a range of other digestive issues can become characteristic of long-term hernia conditions \u2013 and if you experience any kind of digestive issue that isn’t changed by changing your diet, make an appointment with your doctor to find out what’s wrong sooner rather than later. 

Digestive issues can include diarrhea <\/a>or a blocked colon. It can extend to feeling a blockage if you press on the stomach. All of these chronic digestive issues can usually be tracked down to one thing, which can sometimes be what happens when you’ve had a hiatal hernia for a long time.\u00a0

There are other things that can trigger the same symptoms, but you won’t know if you don’t see your doctor for the right tests.

See your doctor at the first sign of any digestive issues if you want to avoid the accompanying later symptoms. Hernias are easier to fix early and before the more serious symptoms of the condition kick in.



14. Blood Present in Stool or Vomit<\/strong><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Blood present in the stool or vomit is a symptom that you can experience if you have a stomach or intestinal ulcer, and it can also be experienced if you have a perforation in the lining of the stomach or intestines <\/a>that’s causing internal bleeding. All of these symptoms are potentially very serious ones and signal that something is seriously wrong \u2013 and even if this is the only symptom you experience, you should see your doctor or visit the emergency room if you notice that you have started ejecting blood in any way.\u00a0

Sometimes blood present in the stool or vomit can be a sign or symptom of a stomach hernia that has triggered worse issues with your health. You might have experienced some of the symptoms on this list for a few months or weeks before this symptom, or you might not: See your doctor immediately to track down the cause.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

