{"id":1942,"date":"2018-05-15T08:37:48","date_gmt":"2018-05-15T08:37:48","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/besthealth.guide\/?p=1942"},"modified":"2021-10-11T06:14:57","modified_gmt":"2021-10-11T06:14:57","slug":"12-distressing-migraine-symptoms","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/besthealth.guide\/12-distressing-migraine-symptoms\/","title":{"rendered":"12 Distressing Migraine Symptoms"},"content":{"rendered":"


Have you been experiencing a headache from hell for which nothing you seem to take will help? Then you might have to think of the fact that you aren\u2019t experiencing a headache at all, but that it might be the symptoms of a migraine instead \u2013 if you are experiencing a migraine instead of a headache, then all of the things that you would traditionally take for a headache wouldn\u2019t help it at all.<\/p>\n

You might also be able to tell the difference between a migraine and your everyday headache by some of the symptoms that come with each: A migraine has radically different symptoms, and the symptoms of a migraine can include nausea and sensitivity to light, things you do not normally see if you just have a headache. Here are some of the distressing symptoms of a migraine that you might have experienced and mistaken for a regular headache.<\/p>\n

1. Headache<\/h3>\n

What makes a regular, routine headache<\/a> different from a migraine, and usually the first sign that you are suffering from the symptoms of a migraine instead, is the fact that the headache persists for a very long time \u2013 at most for a regular headache, you will be looking a few hours of discomfort if it lasts that long at all, but if you have a migraine then you can expect these symptoms to last for much longer: You can experience the symptoms of a migraine for more than six hours to forty-eight, sometimes even more than this.<\/p>\n

If a headache lasts longer than it normally would, it\u2019s time to start looking at the symptoms of a migraine for the cause of your pain instead. Here, you might find that it helps symptoms to apply a cold compress to your head to relieve the headache and to start feeling better.\"\"<\/p>\n

2. Pain in Eyes<\/h3>\n

One of the first things that you might experience if you are going through a headache is the pain \u2013 of course, that\u2019s why it\u2019s called a headache in the first place, right? But with most headaches that people go through, they will only experience pain in their head \u2013 sometimes pain in their neck; when it becomes a migraine, the pain associated with the headache tends to spread from there, and it can start to include all sorts of other pains including experiencing the feeling of pressure<\/a> and pain in your eyes \u2013 this will be aggravated by certain factors.<\/p>\n

The best recommendation to take care of this symptom is to take things easy, stop what you\u2019re doing and go lie down \u2013 with a cold compress pressed right over your eyes to get rid of some of the pressure you are feeling along with the rest of the symptoms of the headache.\"\"<\/p>\n

3. Sensitivity to Light<\/h3>\n

Here\u2019s a symptom of migraines that people generally do not experience when they are going through the symptoms of a regular old headache \u2013 if you have a migraine instead, the first symptom that will distinguish the two for many people (and one that you should look for first when it comes to your own symptoms) is a sudden sensitivity to light: This means that the symptoms of a migraine headache are made much worse by exposure to any kind of light, whether natural or artificial.<\/p>\n

People who experience the symptoms of migraines<\/a> on a regular basis can benefit hugely from carrying around sunglasses which adapt to their exposure to light \u2013 you will feel much better and it might decrease the number of migraines you suffer from in the first place. One of the first things that you can do is to close off all light sources and prevent exposure that will just worsen your migraine.\"\"<\/p>\n

4. Nausea<\/h3>\n

Generally, when you have a headache then you should be able to take some over the counter painkillers and that should be the end of it, but a migraine lasts for a much longer time and comes with a range of other symptoms as you might already have noticed by now: A migraine headache can last for as much as 48 hours and can sometimes go even longer \u2013 in which case it\u2019s recommended that you visit your doctor immediately.<\/p>\n

There are a few things including Maxalt that can be prescribed which will stop your migraine dead in its tracks. Another symptom that is common to migraines instead of headaches is accompanying nausea<\/a> that comes with the pain \u2013 and this can easily lead to vomiting along with it. The symptom should be gotten under control immediately, as repeated vomiting can quickly lead to even more health problems. Of course, rest always helps too.\"\"<\/p>\n

5. Muscle Pain<\/h3>\n

Along with the other symptoms associated with a migraine, you might also experience a nagging and persistent muscle pain that tends to spread throughout your entire body. This most commonly settles in the neck and leaves you feeling like you have a very \u201cstiff neck\u201d<\/a> \u2013 and this can be the very cause of your migraine in the first place. But you can experience the associated muscle pain in almost every part of your body, including the legs and the arms.<\/p>\n

When you start experiencing muscle pains along with a migraine, you might find that a mild massage or cold compresses to the muscles help \u2013 don\u2019t go for heat, as that tends to worsen the symptoms that you are struggling with and warming yourself up during a migraine is only asking for trouble. A bath might sometimes help to relieve muscle pain, but don\u2019t put too much-added pressure on your blood vessels and heart \u2013 you will only end up feeling worse. \"\"<\/p>\n

6. Fever<\/h3>\n

The fever<\/a> is your body\u2019s natural response to illness and infection. If you have a fever, then it means that your body temperature is higher than normal \u2013 and you can experience a huge range of symptoms along with the basic fever, including muscle pains, chills, and night sweats. The best thing you can do if you are experiencing a fever is to get it under control as soon as possible \u2013 start off by cooling yourself down, getting rid of any unnecessary clothing that could be affecting your body heat.<\/p>\n

Then, you might want to take something available over the counter to get rid of the symptoms of a fever \u2013 and if it still persists after that, then you will want to go to the emergency room to get the symptoms of both the fever and the migraine under control. Leaving a fever for too long can be exceptionally dangerous to your health.<\/p>\n


7. Vomiting<\/h3>\n

Vomiting <\/a>is another common symptom that you might experience if you are suffering from migraine instead of a headache, and you will find that vomiting itself is a symptom that tends to make the headache much worse \u2013 but the associated nausea means that vomiting is often something you can\u2019t avoid at all. If you start vomiting along with your headache, then it\u2019s almost for certain that you are suffering from a migraine.<\/p>\n

You could first take something over the counter to aid with nausea, which is sometimes the same medication one would take for seasickness; if this does not help, you could try the introduction of fluids \u2013 you will feel much better as a result. And, if the vomiting persists even after this then we would recommend that you see a doctor as soon as you can. Repeated vomiting can lead to a range of other health problems including the tearing of hernias within the body and internal bleeding.\"\"<\/p>\n

8. Shakes<\/h3>\n

If you start experiencing a headache that feels much more severe<\/a> than any headache you have ever felt before, then you almost certainly know that you have a migraine instead of a headache: There are also many other symptoms that go along with it that set the two apart, including fever, the sensitivity to light and the potential of developing shivers \u2013 this might go along with your fever or it might be an entirely different symptom.<\/p>\n

This is the sign of a very severe migraine, and you should never persist with any physical activity if you are experiencing a migraine of this severity \u2013 instead, you should stop what you are doing immediately until the symptoms persist. Yes, even if this means that you are forced to take some time off work rather than risk doing more damage to your health. If the symptoms persist for longer, visit your doctor immediately.\"\"<\/p>\n

9. High Blood Pressure<\/h3>\n

If you are experiencing the symptoms of a migraine for an extended period of time then it is likely that it will start affecting other things in your body as well \u2013 including your heart and your blood pressure. If you have existing problems with your blood pressure then you should be especially careful when you feel the symptoms of a migraine begin to hit.<\/p>\n

You don\u2019t want to take any chances when it comes to your health, so take a break from whatever you are doing until the migraine stops \u2013 and if the migraine continues or increases in severity even when you have done this, then you should make an immediate trip to the emergency room. If you push this too far, then you could push yourself as far as a heart attack or stroke<\/a> if you are not careful. Make an appointment with a doctor if the symptoms of a migraine persist. \"\"<\/p>\n

10. Blackout Headache<\/h3>\n

One of the most severe symptoms of a migraine that you might experience when a migraine hits is referred to as a blackout headache \u2013 and it is also one of the most dangerous. First, we should tell you more about it \u2013 due to the changes in your blood pressure<\/a> that you will experience and the increased pressure in your head, you might experience some blackout in your vision. This might be in the form of white or black spots that appear to be dancing, and this will impair your vision.<\/p>\n

If you experience this symptom, stop what you are doing immediately and make an appointment with your doctor \u2013 you might even have to consider a visit to the emergency room. And you should never continue with work or physical activity \u2013 the impaired vision only adds to the potential risk of hurting yourself. You will likely find that a cold compress and closing your eyes will help here.\"\"<\/p>\n

11. Skin on Fire<\/h3>\n

This is a symptom that often goes along with the flu<\/a>, but can also be seen if you have a general fever because of something else \u2013 or if you are experiencing some of the other symptoms of a migraine. If you are going through a migraine instead of a headache then you will have the associated feeling that your skin is on fire \u2013 or you might also be feeling another tingling on your skin.<\/p>\n

The best thing you can do for this is to treat it the same way you would treat it as a symptom of the flu and take some medication over the counter to relieve the symptoms. Avoid any warm and scratchy clothes along with this; you might find that a cold bath helps to relieve your symptoms here too, especially if it comes with a fever too. And, if it keeps going, then you should visit your doctor as soon as you can to take care of the associated symptoms. \"\"<\/p>\n

12. Joint Pain<\/h3>\n

If you are experiencing the symptoms of a regular headache, then you will find quick relief from taking an over the counter painkiller \u2013 but the symptoms of a migraine can be expected to last much longer, and you will find that traditional options that are available over the counter often won\u2019t do it for you when you need relief.<\/p>\n

There are prescription options available if you suffer from frequent migraines, including Maxalt, which will take care of the symptoms of a migraine in a couple of seconds to minutes \u2013 yes, even when the migraine has been persisting for several days and seems to be the worst you\u2019ve ever had to date. You can also suffer from potential joint pain<\/a> associated with the migraine, and the best cure for this is to find what your doctor can prescribe for joint inflammation that will not manage to worsen your migraine at the same time. \r\n
