{"id":1132,"date":"2018-04-18T06:33:14","date_gmt":"2018-04-18T06:33:14","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/besthealth.guide\/?p=1132"},"modified":"2021-10-05T04:31:51","modified_gmt":"2021-10-05T04:31:51","slug":"12-home-remedies-to-get-rid-of-spider-veins","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/besthealth.guide\/12-home-remedies-to-get-rid-of-spider-veins\/","title":{"rendered":"12 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Spider Veins"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Varicose veins are often referred to as spider veins. The reason for this is because the veins look a bit like a spider web as they bulge out and twist. Typically, spider veins are found on the legs. The reason for this is because the legs are the farthest away from the heart and it takes effort to get the blood to pump through them. The calf muscles pump blood through the legs. There are valves in the veins that help to prevent the backflow of blood. As the veins start to lose elasticity the valves may start to fail. This will result in blood pooling in the veins, which can cause them to twist and then bulge out.<\/p>\n

Spider veins are most often found in women and in those who have to work standing up for long periods of time. For the most part, spider veins are simply a cosmetic issue, unless they are accompanied by ulceration, pain, or itching. Here are 12 home remedies that can help get rid of spider veins.<\/p>\n

1. Massage<\/h3>\n

One of the things that lead to spider veins is blood pooling within the veins<\/a>. The pools of blood will cause the walls of the veins to expand and twist. This impedes blood flow further. Another risk is the formation of blood clots. Sitting with the legs slightly elevated can help allow the blood to flow towards the heart. Another home remedy is to gently massage the legs. This will help to increase the circulation of blood.<\/p>\n

A massage should be very gently administered to the area where the spider veins are present. Simply rubbing the legs with a gentle upward stroke can help to smooth out the veins that have become twisted and will improve blood flow. It is important to not put too much pressure directly on the veins that are bulging. Coconut oil or olive oil can be used for lubrication. Peppermint or wintergreen essential oils can add a soothing effect.<\/p>\n

\"\"2. Compression<\/h3>\n

One of the most tried and true methods to help treat spider veins is to apply uniformed pressure to the legs using compression stockings<\/a> that have been specially designed. One of the reasons that spider veins appear is the loss of elasticity in the blood vessels.<\/p>\n

The enlargement of the blood vessels reduces how efficient the venous valves work. The valves are designed to prevent backflow and when they are not working efficiently, pools of blood can form. Applying gentle and consistent pressure will compress the veins, which reduces the diameter.<\/p>\n

This will help the valves work more efficiently at preventing backflow. Providing additional support for the venous walls will help to smooth the blood flow and reduce the risk of blood clots developing. Compression stockings when used during the first stages of varicose veins can help stop them from progressing. There are many types of these stockings available, make sure to discuss the options with your doctor so that you choose the best ones.<\/p>\n

\"\"3. Mud Packs<\/h3>\n

Using a mudpack on the area where the spider veins are present could help to reduce the enlargement of the veins. Many people who have spider veins report a reduction in pain after using a mud pack. It is important to use a fine clay for this process. You will simply mix the clay with some water and apply it to your legs before you go to bed, and then wash off in the morning. The clay will dry through the night. During the drying process, the clay will contract, which results in a tightening effect.<\/p>\n

Mud packs work in a similar way to compression socks as it will constrict the large blood vessels<\/a> and promote the flow of blood. In addition, the clay can help to draw out impurities from the skin and from the blood vessels. It is important to note that clay is considered to be sterile, but should not be used if the varicose veins are complicated with ulcers.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. Diet<\/h3>\n

Research has shown that a high amount of homocysteine levels within the blood may damage the lining of the blood vessels. This increases the risk of developing spider veins and thrombosis<\/a>. Vitamin B deficiencies are known to elevate levels of homocysteine. Consuming alcohol may have a similar effect. Vitamins should be supplied to the body through the food that you eat. People who are suffering from spider veins should add foods that are rich in vitamins B6 and B12. Some of these foods include salmon, tuna, chicken, turkey, shrimp, and eggs.<\/p>\n

Vegan sources of these vitamins include lima beans, lentils, bananas, broccoli, avocados, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, and potatoes. Eating anti-inflammatory foods can help reduce swelling and pain. Some of these foods include vegetables, tomatoes, beets, oily fish, ginger, turmeric, garlic, berries, cherries, onions, and whole grains. Eating a healthy diet rich in these types of foods can help greatly when it comes to spider veins.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. Exercise<\/h3>\n

The heart works by pumping blood into the arteries<\/a>. The blood is returned to the heart by the legs through the movement of the calf muscles. This is one of the reasons why a sedentary lifestyle can lead to the development of spider veins. When you suffer from spider veins you should avoid standing and sitting for long periods of time. One of the best activities that you can do is to simply take a walk.<\/p>\n

Walking helps to increase the circulation of blood even though gravity is working against the body as the blood has to flow upwards. Moving the calf muscles helps to get the blood where it needs to go. If you sit at a desk for work, try to take breaks frequently to stretch out your legs and move a bit. If you have a job that requires standing for long periods make sure that you keep shifting the weight from one leg to another.<\/p>\n

\"\"6. Horse Chestnut<\/h3>\n

Horse chestnut extract is obtained from the leaves, bark, seeds, and flowers of the plant. Aesculus hippocastanum is a popular herbal remedy for spider veins as well as other circulatory diseases. Vasoprotective is the active ingredient of Aesin and it can inhibit the enzymes that may cause damage to the blood vessel walls. Aescin offers an astringent quality that can constrict or shrink tissues in the body.<\/p>\n

This includes blood vessels. The constriction that is obtained through using horse chestnut extract provides a similar effect as wearing compression socks. The benefit of using horse chestnut extract goes beyond just vasoconstriction. It also thins the blood, which increases circulation and can reduce the risk of clot development and the development of varicose veins.<\/a> It also has anti-inflammatory properties as well as a mild diuretic to help reduce pain and swelling in the area that has been affected.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. Grape Seed Extract<\/h3>\n

Another herbal remedy that may help with spider veins is grape seed<\/a> extract. The tiny seeds that are found inside grapes contain many antioxidant substances. This includes Vitamin E, linoleic acid, and several flavonoids. Oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes or OPCs are a set of powerful antioxidants that have many vasoprotective properties. They can prevent damage to the walls of the blood vessels that may be caused by free radicals. In addition, OPCs promote collagen formation.<\/p>\n

Collagen is a protein that helps to maintain the elasticity of connective tissues, which can help to strengthen the blood vessel walls. Collagen will help to prevent leakage of fluid from the veins, which results in swelling. There are powdered grape seeds available as well as grape seed extracts that can be taken. Make sure that the OPC content is above 95 percent. Grapeseed oil is also available and is rich in proanthocyanidins. It can be taken orally or used on the skin to help relieve inflammation and pain.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. Cayenne Pepper<\/h3>\n

Cayenne pepper has a high amount of flavonoids as well as vitamin C. Both of these work to help protect the walls of the blood vessels from becoming damaged by free radicals. They also help to promote the production of collagen, which is important for keeping the veins elastic and healthy. Capsaicin<\/a> is the most potent substance that is found in cayenne pepper. Capsaicin has analgesic, blood thinning, and anti-inflammatory properties. All of which can help those who suffer from spider veins.<\/p>\n

You can take cayenne pepper orally in order to help reduce the inflammation and pain caused by spider veins. It can help to prevent ulcers and blood clots from forming. You should start with a smaller dose, about half of a teaspoon of the powder in a cup of water. You can increase this amount gradually, up to about a tablespoon.<\/p>\n

\"\"9. Pine Bark Extract<\/h3>\n

Pine bark extract contains many flavonoids, phenolic acids, as well as proanthocyanidins, all of which can provide a number of beneficial effects. This includes visible reduction of spider veins and the associated inflammation. Taking pink bark extract orally has been shown to help strengthen the blood vessel walls and to restore the elasticity as it binds with collagen<\/a>. Pine bark extract relieves many of the symptoms that are associated with spider veins by improving blood circulation and lowering blood pressure.<\/p>\n

Spider veins can often cause a person to develop pain throughout their legs and even cramping. Using pine bark extract can help to alleviate many of the symptoms that are associated with spider veins. It is important to make sure that you purchase pine bark extract from a reputable source. The bark has been studied extensively and can provide you with the relief that you are seeking if you suffer from varicose veins.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. Pot Marigold<\/h3>\n

Pot marigold has long been used to treat all types of skin issues. While spider veins are not really a skin issue, they may cause dryness, itchiness, dermatitis, ulcers, and eczema<\/a>. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms of spider veins and want some quick relief, you can make an infusion of pot marigold petals. Simply boil the leaves in some water and then use the ointment in a warm compress. You can also simply add a handful of the leaves to some warm bath water and soak in it for a bit.<\/p>\n

Pot marigold has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce pain and inflammation. It also will promote the formation of collagen in the skin, which will help to restore the natural texture. In addition, pot marigold promotes blood circulation and has antimicrobial properties, which can help boils and ulcers heal more quickly.<\/p>\n

\"\"11. Gotu Kola<\/h3>\n

Gotu Kola is often called Indian pennywort. This herb grows to close to the ground and is found throughout the Orient. It has been used in many popular spider vein<\/a> remedies for thousands of years throughout Southeast Asia and India. The dried herb powder or herb extract can be taken orally as a treatment for venous insufficiency. It will help to reduce leakage from the veins. It also reduces water retention and inflammation, which are common causes of varicose veins.<\/p>\n

The herb contains triterpenoids, which can help to strengthen the walls of the blood vessels and also increase the amount of blood that flows through them. A paste can be made with the powder and then applied to the skin. This can help to heal wounds faster and treat dermatitis and ulcers as it will increase the flow of blood to the area of the skin that has been affected.<\/p>\n

\"\"12. Apple Cider Vinegar<\/h3>\n

When it comes to home remedies for almost anything, chances are that you are going to see apple cider vinegar<\/a> on the list. There are many great uses for this substance. Apple cider vinegar is one of the easiest and most effective remedies for treating spider veins. It contains astringent properties that can help to shrink your swollen veins to restore the elasticity. You can simply apply apple cider vinegar externally to the affected area.<\/p>\n

Dilute the apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of water. Then dip a washcloth in the mixture. Hold the washcloth on the affected area for several minutes. This should help to reduce the swelling in the veins. In addition, you can take it orally. When you drink apple cider vinegar it has detoxifying effects. Add a couple of tablespoons to a cup of water. You can add some honey in order to sweeten the taste.<\/p>\n\r\n
